Friday, October 19, 2007

We're Back !!!

We got back home late Sunday night after a loonngg airplane ride!! Well actually the plane ride home went really well, it was the plane ride there that wasnt much fun. Jorgie Was not happy about having to sit for 4 hours although he didnt really cry just fussed.
We had a wonderful time seeing family and Yahaira's wedding was really nice. I am really proud of the kids for doing so good all week although we were always on the run.
Now we are all sick. I have been sick since Monday and I feel like it is never going to go away. Ever since we came home Jorgie has been really clingy. He is fine when I am at work but as soon as I get home he cries if I leave the room. I feel really bad but I have to work. Im hoping that my hours will only be about 20-25 per week. Jorge is in New York City and I really hate having him gone. I will post some pics in a little while ( still have to upload them!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Going to California

WooHoo!! I'm so excited April, Jorgie and I are going to be flying out next Tuesday. We are going out there for Yahaira's wedding. Jorge will be flying out either Thursday or Friday. Im a little nervouse about flying alone with two little one's but I'm sure it will be fine. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures when we return!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our New Website

Well I am going to try this website out and see how it is. If I like it then this will be our new one.