Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Lilly is now 4 months old (wow where has the time gone?) She had her doctors appointment last week. Here are her Stats: 16lbs 4 oz (95%) 24 1/4 in (50%). This past week she has learned to roll over, blow raspberries and when I sit her up by herself she sit for about 30 seconds before she falls over! She has been sleeping through the night more and still only wakes up once if she doesnt.
April and Jorgie are doing great. I have been working 50+ hours a week these past 2 weeks. i hate being away for them that much but at least they are home with Daddy! here are some pictures.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween Pictures

I know Im kind of late but better late then never!! Will update more soon