Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a week!

This past week has not been a good one! April got sick with a stomach bug on Wednesday, Jorgie got it on Friday, Jorge got it on Saturday. Im so glad I never got it. Jorgie only had it for 2
days but poor April had it for 6! Anyways everyone is doing better now and I will try to post some pictures.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

IT'S A ???

Girl..... Probably. I had my ultrasound the other day and everything is right on track. The baby is measuring on target and everything is going along perfect! The doctor wasnt able to get a real good view, but said it looks like a girl!! I know its a girl, i have known this since I found out I was pregnant. I will have another ultrasound on April 1rst to find out for sure.
April and Jorgie have both had colds this last week. spring needs to hurry up. Other then that they are doing good, although they have been fighting some latly. Jorgie has gotten 3 new teeth in the last week so maybe that has something to do with it.